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Q14) When you break a bar magnet in half, how many poles does each piece have?

Sagot :

Each piece of magnet has only two poles, one north and one south. So if you break a bar magnet into two halves, the piece initially consisting the north pole at the edge automatically creates the south pole at the break point and the part consisting south pole creates North pole at the edge. So each piece has 2 poles.

A magnet is an item or substance that generates a magnetic field. The broken pieces of the magnet will have 4 poles.

What are magnets?

A magnet is an item or substance that generates a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible, but it is responsible for a magnet's most remarkable property: a force that attracts or repels other ferromagnetic elements such as iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, and others.

When a magnet is broken into two pieces, it produces two complete magnets, each with its own north and south poles and the same orientation as the original.

For example, if you break a 12-inch bar magnet with N on the left end and S on the right end midway between the two ends, you'll get two magnets with N on the left end and S on the right end, as seen in the illustration below.

Hence, the broken pieces of the magnet will have 4 poles.

Learn more about Magnets:


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