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A clothing store has the sign shown in the shop window pani sees the sign and wants to buy three shirts and two pair of jeans the cost of each shirt before the discount is $12 and the cost of each pair of Jeans is $19 before the discount pani says she should get a $3 discount on the price of each shirt and a three dollar discount on the price of each pair of jeans right and evaluate an expression to find the amount she would pay if this is true

Sagot :

Shirts are 12-3=$9 after the discount, and jeans are 19-3=$16.




Step-by-step explanation:

There is a discount of $3 on price of shirt and jeans [both]

Shirt (per unit cost):

Before Discount: $12

After Discount: $12 - $3 = $9

Jeans (pair cost):

Before Discount: $19

After Discount: $19 - $3 = $16

Pani wants to buy 3 shirts and 2 pair of jeans. So her cost would be:

[tex]3(9)+2(16)=59[/tex] dollars.