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a 2 kg mass is held 4 m above the ground. what is the approximate potential energy due to gravity of the mass with respect to the ground?

Sagot :

Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass x Height x Gravitational Acceleration 

Here, Mass = 2 kg, Height = 4 m and Gravitational Acceleration = 9.8 m/sec^2 (this is a fixed/constant universal value)

So, Energy = 2 x 4 x 9.8 = 78.4 Joules

So, the final answer is --> Potential Energy = 78.4 Joules

80 joules

Further explanation


A 2 kg mass is held 4 m above the ground.

Let us write as follows:

  • m = 2 kg
  • h = 4 m


What is the approximate potential energy (PE) due to gravity of the mass with respect to the ground?

The Process:

We will solve the problem of gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy = mgh, where m represents mass (in kg), g represents Earth's gravitational field (10 N kg⁻¹), and h represents the height change (in m).

Let us find out the approximate potential energy due to the gravity of the mass concerning the ground on the Earth.

Gravitational potential energy = (2 kg)(10 N kg⁻¹)(4 m)

Thus, gravitational potential energy equal to 80 joules.

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  • The equation assumes that the gravitational potential energy gives zero PE (potential energy) at the surface of the Earth. This works for everyday situations but it is not fundamental.
  • Newton's theory of universal gravitation states that the field must change with distance.
  • As long as it is not stated in the problem, the Earth's gravitational field strength (g) is 10 N kg⁻¹ (or 10 m s⁻²). Unless otherwise specified, for example, g = 9.81 m s⁻², we use this value in calculations. The symbol g can also be called a gravitational acceleration constant.

Learn more

  1. A case problem of uniformly accelerated motion and Newton's Second Law  
  2. Particle's speed and direction of motion
  3. The energy density of the stored energy
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