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how many groups of sixty are in two hundred forty-four?

Sagot :

There are four groups of sixty in two hundred and forty-four 

244/60 =4.06666667  
if you round that up its 4 
I just think of it as 24/6 which = 4

There are four (4.07) groups of sixty in two hundred and forty-four

To derive the answer, the number values were converted from words to figure.

  • Sixty then became 60
  • Two hundred and forty-four then became 244

Further Explanation

To determine how many groups of 60 are in 244, a division process will take place i.e. 244 will be divided by 60.


= [tex]\frac{244}{60}[/tex]

= 4.07

Thus, 4.07 is the actual figure that was derived after the division process, but since a group of something needs to be in a whole figure, then it is important the figures are rounded up to one significant figure.

Therefore, there are four (4) groups of sixty (60) in two hundred and forty-four (244).

Notably, division is a basic operation in mathematics which deals will splitting of number into equal parts or groups. It is an arm of BODMAS, which is a major order of operations in mathematics.

BODMAS means Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.


  • Numbers:
  • What does BODMAS stand for


  • bodmas
  • division
  • groups
  • basic operation
  • numbers
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