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Mark each statement if it describes an element of Islamic culture. A. Caliphs were Muslim rulers who succeeded Muhammad. B. Caliphs were prophets of equal stature with Muhammad. C. Jihad refers to a holy war against enemies of Islam. D. Jihad refers to a Muslim’s internal struggle to lead a good life.

Sagot :

A. Caliphs were Muslim rulers who succeeded Muhammad.

C. Jihad refers to a holy war against enemies of Islam.

D. Jihad refers to Muslim's internal struggle to lead a good life.

These are all the correct answers.

The correct options are: A - C -D

Muslim culture is the expression used by historians to describe all the cultural practices of Islamized peoples, especially in the past. It is considered that the Muslim culture before the Middle Ages in the West, time that coincides with the maximum extension that came to have the different kingdoms of the Muslim trunk.

All Islamic culture was conditioned by a dominant element: religion. This was transmitted through schools and universities that proliferated throughout the empire financed by their own.

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