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What was one reason why James Madison initially opposed including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution? He feared that rights that were not listed might be unprotected. He believed that it was impossible to understand natural rights. He feared the Bill of Rights would limit the power of the states. He thought that there should be no flexibility in guaranteed rights.

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One reason why James Madison initially opposed including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution was that: A. He feared that rights that were not listed might be unprotected.

A Constitution can be defined as a set of written laws and principles which determines the power and authority of the three arms of government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.

James Madison was an American expansionist, diplomat, statesman and a founding father (author) of the Constitution of the United States of America.

During the drafting of the Constitution, James Madison initially opposed including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution because he feared that rights such as citizen's rights that were not listed explicitly might be unprotected.

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A) He feared that rights that were not listed might be unprotected.

