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What is the formula for tin (II) chlorate decahydrate?

Sagot :


The formula is:


Tin(II) Chlorate is also called stannous chlorate and is a white-colored solid. Hydrates are the addition of water molecules. Tin (II) chlorate decahydrate is represented by Sn(ClO₃)₂ . 10 H₂O.

What are hydrates?

Hydrates are the chemical compounds used to represent the water molecule (H₂O) in a compound. The water molecules are added to the compound formula as a crystalline structure.

The element tin is represented by the symbol Sn and chlorate is represented as (ClO₃)₂. The formula also has decahydrate which means it has ten molecules of water that can be represented by 10 H₂O.

The stock nomenclature is used to give the formula for the compound. The overall formula of the compound after adding the individual symbol will give, Sn(ClO₃)₂. 10 H₂O.

Therefore, Sn(ClO₃)₂ . 10 H₂O is a formula for tin (II) chlorate decahydrate.

Learn more about hydrates here:
