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If a 4 member comittee is formed from 3 girls and 6 boys in a club how many commitees can be formed ?

Iifthe members if the commitee are chosen at random, find the probability that the comittee consist of .. 2 girls & 2 boys ?1girl&3boys

Sagot :

1.  9! / ( 5! * 4! ) = (6*7*8*9)/(1*2*3*4) = 2*7*9 = 126;

2. a) [(3!/(1!*2!)]*[(6!/(4!*2!)]/126 = 5/14 = 0.35;
    b)  [(3!/(2!*1!)]*[(6!/(3!*3!)]/126 =  10/21 = 0.47;


1.  9! / ( 5! * 4! ) = (6*7*8*9)/(1*2*3*4) = 2*7*9 = 126;

2. a) [(3!/(1!*2!)]*[(6!/(4!*2!)]/126 = 5/14 = 0.35;


   b)  [(3!/(2!*1!)]*[(6!/(3!*3!)]/126 =  10/21 = 0.47;

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