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write the ratio 6 ft to 4yd as a fraction in simplest form.

Sagot :

The answer is 1/2. Let's first solve units. 1 yard is 3 feet. So, 4 yards = 4 * 3 feet = 12 feet. Now, the ratio 6 ft to 4yd is: 6 ft / 4 yd = 6 ft / 12 ft = 6 / 12. We now need to simplify the fraction: 6 / 12 = (6 : 6) / (12 : 6) = 1 / 2. Therefore, the ratio 6 ft to 4yd is 1/2.


its 1/2 frrfrr

Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 is alll i cann sayy